Catholic Health Care in Canada
Catholic health care is rooted in the healing ministry of Jesus and leads with a spiritual purpose: a deep-rooted calling to recognize and serve each person as sacred a human being. From acute and teaching hospitals to rehabilitation services, palliative care and hospices to mental health and addictions and housing to long term care, the 129 Catholic health care facilities that stretch out across the country serve millions of Canadians who seek care and services each year. These entities operate under the sponsorship of fourteen different sponsors and are driven to improve the lives of individuals and communities, with a special concern for those who are vulnerable, through innovation, advocacy and compassionate care.
This more than 400 year history of caring for Canadians in small towns and urban centres is celebrated annually in the month of October during National Catholic Health Care Week.
The Catholic Health Alliance of Canada is an alliance of Catholic health sponsors who come together with the goal of working for a Canadian society that reaches out to every person who is suffering from illness, stigma, poverty, or loneliness. The CHAC amplifies the courageous gift of Catholic health care by supporting health organizations with Catholic identity to be leaders and advocates in making the ever-evolving health system stronger and more responsive, drawing on our Catholic values, and a legacy of innovation and ethical reflection.
The Catholic Health Association of Ontario is a provincial association of the Ontario Catholic hospitals, nursing homes, homes for the aged and community nursing services represented by 29 organizations on 35 sites. Its membership also includes 6 Roman Catholic congregations and lay groups that sponsor these facilities and the Association of Catholic Bishops of Ontario. It seeks to promote and advance the role of Catholic health care as a distinctive and vital component of Ontario’s health care system, with a particular focus on vulnerable, marginalized and disadvantaged populations.
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